Monday, June 23, 2008

Helpful Tip of the Day

Anti-feminist guys, when you're trying to make an argument that feminism isn't necessary or that feminism doesn't need to address a certain issue, don't make it crystal clear in your arguments that feminism is still necessary. Fucking morons.

An example from this Feministing thread:

Sex-ed is to teach children about reproduction, safe sex, contraception, and the like.  It's not to teach them how to give each other orgasms. You might be comfortable with the idea of a bunch of 11 year olds running around learning orgasm-giving techniques, but I'm not. From a purely biological, reproductive standpoint, the female orgasm is without purpose. Sex for pleasure is a perfectly fine use for sex, but human sexuality is primarily a reproductive system.  Thus the name, "reproductive system". That's why most biologists and classes don't focus on the female orgasm.  Because when learning about reproduction, a woman "getting off" really has no bearing on it. That's why.

Though, it's odd to me:

When all a man thinks about is getting off, and sexual pleasure, feminists and women call him an "objectifier of women", and "someone who believes women are for his pleasure", and a "man child"... But when women do the same it's "empowering"? I'm sorry we apparently disagree on feminist views.  I think there's a lot more to it, and MUCH more important feminist work to be done than making certain you get lots of orgasms.

Great orgasms...or woman president?  Great orgasms...or equal representation in congress? It's just tacky to me to try to act like orgasms are important to feminism.

Posted by:  Black Thirteen June 16, 2008 6:41 PM

(Emphasis mine)

You can see where this is going, can't you?  A deaf and blind monkey could see where this is going.

Another comment from the same idiot:

Why is it important for young boys to know how a clitoris works?  In order to give women those orgasms feminists feel we "owe" them?

(Emphasis mine, again)

I love it.  At the same moment this guy is trying to say that female sexuality is irrelevant to feminism, he makes it clear that it's of paramount importance to feminism.  For fuck's sake, in the 21st century, with Dan Savage on the loose, there are straight men who are still threatened by women's sexuality and by the very concept of reciprocity in life and love.  Pathetic.  Unbearably fucking pathetic.