Saturday, June 21, 2008

On Being a Victim

I've been hearing the word "victim" a lot lately.  I first heard, or rather saw, it over a year ago when I was called one.  I earned such a title by confronting a blog commenter for his constant woman bashing.  (He very conveniently never bashes men.)  Since then, I see the title given out constantly.  Everyone from women to gays to African Americans are "victims."  In other words, if you complain about unfair treatment ever, you are a victim.

I don't credit the original blog commenter with starting the trend.  He's neither nearly clever nor original enough for that.  But the existence of the trend is interesting, and I wonder about its origins.

I guess whoever started the trend and those who perpetuate it have to start with the assumption that there's something wrong with being a victim.  I can't say that I agree.  There's something wrong with being an aggressor, someone who likes to fuck other people over, and nothing wrong with being the victim of such a waste of flesh.  What would be unforgivable is for a victim to just lie back and take it.  Victims everywhere ought to and must fight back against such scumbags.

This, of course, is exactly what people who throw around the word "victim" do not want under any circumstances.  They want to victimize others and get away with it.  Any attempt to push back is a threat.  There's just one inconvenient little secret:  when those motherfuckers throw that word around, they're showing everyone just how fucking useless they are.

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